Filed under Books, Capital District

History and love told in letters

History and love told in letters

“Letters to Ann” is a beautiful, heart-wrenching true story told through the actual letters of a man writing to his daughter in the midst of the Korean War.
John Francis Hughes was a doctor during the Korean War, when the Chinese were attacking American troops.
As the letters are written, he is moving through North and South Korea, while his daughter, Ann, is at home with her mother, Mary “Peach” Hughes.
His letters are beautiful and heartfelt.
He draws pictures for Ann, and tells her all the good things about Korea. He shows her what the culture is like, and how the Korean and Japanese children act and play.
John Hughes’ amazing firsthand account of “The Forgotten War” is tear-jerking and also can be very funny and cute.
It made me start to cry, because, even though this is a quick read, there is so much beauty in the letters to the small six-year-old.
Even if you don’t know much about the Korean War, I highly recommend this book.
It has so much meaning and there are descriptions on every page of what is going on in the war at the times that Hughes writes his letters.
I recommend this book to ages of about 11 or 12+ because the descriptions can be a little tough to read and understand.

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